Registered Architect
An architect registered with the SAA is a highly trained profession who is entitled to use the title Architect or Registered Architect after his/her name to indicate he/she is a Registered Architect in the Province of Saskatchewan and a member of the SAA. They are bound by regulations made under The Architects Act, 1996. An architect has completed their education, experience and examinations. All architects have paid the prescribed fee and participate in the SAA Mandatory Continuing Education Program.
In Saskatchewan, the Practice of Architecture is restricted to a Registered Architect who works with a firm that holds a current SAA Licence to Practice. A Licence to Practice is issued to a Firm (corporation, sole proprietor, partnership, etc). Individuals not working under a license to practice may apply for a registration as an Architect but must sign the Non-Practicing Declaration form and include it with their application stating they will not engage in the practice of architecture unless they obtain, or join a firm with a current Licence to Practice. All SAA Architect members have paid the prescribed annual fee and participate in the SAA Mandatory Continuing Education Program.
An individual member is entitled to:
- attend general meetings and to vote thereat;
- receive the newsletters published by the Association;
- receive such information as the council may from time to time direct;
- the benefits conferred and the duties and responsibilities imposed under the Act, regulations and bylaws; and
- use the name “architect” and “registered architect” after his/her name
In accordance with SAA Bylaw 2.02, every member of the SAA is to have a Member Seal, supplied by the Association. A seal is granted to an architect only after they have become a member and have then applied to the Executive Director for their seal, as per SAA Bylaw 9.03.1.
Membership Application & Guidelines
For First-time Registration Applicants
Registered Architect Application – Canadian Reciprocity Agreement
Applicants should be informed of the licensing requirements when applying to practice in other jurisdictions within Canada. To learn more, please refer to
CALA’s bulletin on Licencing Requirements Across Canada
Applicants from the United States should review the information in the International Architects section, Canada/United States Mutual Recognition Agreement page.
SAA Member Seal Application
Every practicing member of the SAA is eligible to have a Member Seal, supplied by the association. A seal is granted to an architect only after they have become a member and have then applied to the Executive Director for their seal.
SAA Practice Bulletin – Application for SAA Member Seal